Thursday, September 23, 2010

PCI Slot

PCI or Peripheral Component Interconnect, peripheral means outside, allow your motherboard to expand without having to buy a new one. PCI slots can hold graphic cards, sound cards, internet hook ups and many other desirable devices. There are 4 PCI slots in that picture, the white ones, the brown PCI looking slot is actually a AGP or accelerate graphics port. There are at least 6 different PCI slots. When purchasing a device that uses a PCI port remember the PCI key (keys are notches next to the leads) layout so you can tell if it will fit. Also knowing the lead or pin count can help you in your purchase. There are specially designed 64 bit slots that 32 bit machines cannot use. PCI express is the upgraded version. They are typically smaller and more efficient. You can use devices such as risers that will add more PCI slots and different kinds to your motherboard, but you are probably better off just buying a new motherboard or computer. Normal PCI slots only run at a pitiful 33 MHz.


  1. great guide, im taking a beginner computer science course and we were just talking about this!

  2. A very nice lesson on PCI slots. Certainly will be helpful for those new to computers. I remember when I first attempted modifying my computer... It went better than I was expectng.

  3. Oh, normal PCI Slots are awesome. Seeing them makes me know I'm about to turn on a time machine.

  4. I'm learning something new every time i visit

  5. I remember my first attempt at messing with my PCI slots... Ah... that could have gone better.

  6. i have installed graphics cards before so this helped me!

  7. I keep your link in mind, that shall help some of my friends. I'm tired to explain them how our stuff work.

  8. I spend so much time reading on the Internet about various stuff and my friends ask me instead of reading themself...

    Next time they ask i will just forward them here, damn slackers they are :)

  9. You should cover power consumption, need some info before i build my system. Thanks

  10. always good info mate.

  11. Aren't pci slots outdated?

  12. keep it up this is good info to some people who are starting out with pcs

  13. SCSI is where its at! lol <3 old hardware. Amazed PCI is still going though it is fading out slowly
